Hi! Remember me? I'm the bad blogger that hasn't blogged since last year. I'm sorry blog friends.
We had a great Christmas. We stayed in Michigan this year, and although we really missed our family, we didn't miss the 8 hour drive.
New Years was also fun. At the last minute we decided to head over to our great friends' house and we had a great time.
Of course, I got sick again between Christmas and New Years and now I am sick again with a sinus headache. This time of year is not good to me.
I also broke down and went to the doctor to talk about my sleeping issues. She prescribed me some Ambien to take a few times a week, so at least I'm sleeping a few days instead of none.
I'm also working with a web designer to update the blog. So, I hope you will stick around. I'm getting back into the blog "groove" after reading some very inspiring posts around the blog world.